As the little boy dropped seeds into the dirt he said,“Be fruitful and multiply little seed.” The sun shown down, night time came, clouds passed over and the sun rose and shined bright overhead. Days passed as he carefully loosened the soil, pulled the weeds, watered each little mound and said,“I have faith in you little seed; I know you can do it. Be fruitful and multiply.”
The seed lay resting in the soft, damp, dark soil warmed by the sun ands omething new began to happen. Fresh energy was experienced; connection with the earth was discovered and life moved inside. In response to the energy of the sun, moisture of the earth and caring of the gardener, two tiny green arms pushed up and broke through the thin covering of soil to feel the welcoming friendship and warmth of the sun. Then the new little plant heard a voice say, “Welcome, I knew you could do it, little seed. I had faith in you.”
Learning how to move people from friendliness to friendship then to genuine spiritual growth, and discovering how to create a culture of connectivity in your church, is much like the little boy and his garden. The goal is to connect people to each other and to God through planting the seeds of friendship and cultivating them so people will develop a genuine friendship with God. This happens best in the soil of the church friendship garden.
Over the past few months, I’ve been stretched with challenges outside of my comfort zone as God opened doors of opportunity for training and speaking to church leaders and lay persons concerning church growth. One of the greatest challenges and experiences has been learning a fresh new way of connecting to people — a tool of evangelism for churches to use that can cause growth not just in numbers but spiritually, in a friendship with God. People want to be known, to belong and become closer to God. But how?
Find a friend and discuss the following questions:
- Are newcomers happy in your church?
- Does someone connect with newcomers on their first visit?
- What is connectivity?
- Have you eaten a meal or shared an activity with a newcomer to your church lately?
- Would people say you love God?
- How much time do you spend intentionally building friendships?
- Do you surround yourself with friends?
Friendship is a great picture of what a relationship with God is like. What pictures are we painting with the brush strokes of our life?
If you are interested in digging deep into creating a culture of connectivity in your church, contact Messenger Publishing House at 800-444-4674 to order “Friendship First” or “Surprising Questions Jesus Asked”.
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